
Reviewers are Awesome!

Book Reviewers are Awesome!It’s amazing how many people volunteer their time to read and review books. Writing book reviews is time consuming and hard. It takes a lot of courage to post your thoughts to the public. There’s even a…


This quote so well articulates the root cause behind many of our economic and social woes:”It ain’t ignorance causes so much trouble; it’s folks knowing so much that ain’t so.”– Josh Billings

How Long Before a Corpse Smells?

How long before a corpse smells?   How do you clean and load a pistol? How do you launder money? Can a jet sneak into the US undetected? How do you crack a computer? Can you infiltrate the United Nations? How…


“The more the words the less the meaning and how does that benefit anyone?”Eccleiastes

Beespoke Book Covers

Peter at Bespoke Book Covers did a great job with the Brothers, Bullies and Bad Guys cover. If you’re looking for a great cover designer, drop him a line by clicking here.Original Post October 15, 2020