Category ND Stuff

Reviewers are Awesome!

Book Reviewers are Awesome! It’s amazing how many people volunteer their time to read and review books. Writing book reviews is time consuming and hard. It takes a lot of courage to post your thoughts to the public. There’s even…


This quote so well articulates the root cause behind many of our economic and social woes: “It ain’t ignorance causes so much trouble; it’s folks knowing so much that ain’t so.” — Josh Billings

How Long Before a Corpse Smells?

How long before a corpse smells?    How do you clean and load a pistol? How do you launder money? Can a jet sneak into the US undetected? How do you crack a computer? Can you infiltrate the United Nations?…


“The more the words the less the meaning and how does that benefit anyone?” Eccleiastes


I congratulated a friend at work. He’d pulled himself out of an extremely difficult childhood, and is a very successful manager. He said, “I don’t take credit for any of it. God put me where I am today.” Which brought…